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  • Writer's pictureSdobro

And the Prince and the princess live happily, ever…Ummm NO!

Welcome and thanks for coming back. Today’s topic is one I came up with while watching my favorite live action Disney movie…Cinderella. Growing up, and even still now well into my 20’s In a huge fan of fairy tale movies. We know them well even if you have never seen one. The prince comes and rescues the princess and then then they live happily ever after. Umm, real life is nothing like that. I would like to go back In time and inform my little girl self that the real world is nothing like that it…but it’s not scary its actually ok! Most men would rather you rescue yourself and be independent from them actually.

I took a poll on Whisper (an app where you can post your secrets, talk about your desires or do what I did and ask men what they would rather prefer). 8 out of 10 men would rather have you independent that need them! I was shocked! I was told men love it when you need them to rescue you. What girl doesn’t dream of her prince coming in and slaying the dragon for her so she can get away from the castle. Some men even called it sexy that she be independent and not need them all the time. Now I know what you’re thinking, they are just saying this now. What happens when that strong independent women decides she’s not putting up with his crap and leaves. What happened when she tells him to make his own dinner and rub her feet after wearing heels in them all day? What would that do to his need for an independent woman?

Does being independent rather than needy really make you less desirable? In my views, I am who I am and I’m not going to change that. If I need help with something 9 times out of 10 its to make you (the guy) feel like you are needed. I was told by many of my exes that they didn’t feel needed. Well I’m sorry but this princess can hang a picture and work tools without you. My mom and dad taught me how to change my own tires and check my oil in my car. So, for now this princess is going to sleep and if you wake me with a kiss…ill roll over and go back to bed thanks!


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